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How to use CloudConvert in Javascript

I am trying to insert API of CloudConvert but I didn't run it. I have got a 401 error. I have a function that create a excel (.xlsx) but when I click this function, I want to convert to .pdf format. ...
frontendciyim's user avatar
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Summarize data frame by multiple columns in R but don't change number of rows

In the following example, I got this data: x = c("a", "a", "a", "a", "b", "b") y = c("s", "s", "t", "t&...
LaTeXFan's user avatar
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How to see all functions in a Module

julia> using LinearAlgebra; a = [b; for b in names(LinearAlgebra)] 131-element Vector{Symbol}: :/ :Adjoint :BLAS :Bidiagonal :...
Vinod's user avatar
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HTTP request sending old JSON even after removing attribute

I'm using Postman to test my Go Chi server. When I send data with JSON in the request body, I first add an attribute "name", after I make the request and remove "name" and send the ...
Papaya's user avatar
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Azure Maps map rotation aligned label on top of extruded polygon

Is it possible to create an elevated non-rotating label on top of an extruded polygon inside Azure Maps? For context, labels can either rotate together with the camera view (picture 1; rotation ...
Jelle's user avatar
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Delete Duplicate Rows in a huge Django DB with condition

There are several questions similar to mine but none are satisfactory. I would like to be able to remove duplicates from a DB having more than 26 million lines, therefore in the most efficient way ...
Gilles Criton's user avatar
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NoSuchMethodError: 'org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions.setDisallowDocTypeDeclaration(boolean)'

`I am currently writing a program to convert Excel files into XML files, but I have encountered some errors from IDEA that prompt me: ***Exception in thread "main" java.lang....
peter griffin's user avatar
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Styling images differently as props

I want to create a card section for my portfolio website. I added images with those cards. Now I want to style images in React JS. Specifically, I want to use transform scale style for those images ...
Random dev.'s user avatar
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how to pull the value from the header and insert it into the link using JS Elementor

How to pull the value from the header and insert it into the button link. <script> $('document').ready(function(){ $('#btn1').click(function(){ let prop= 'https://...
Дмитрий Железов's user avatar
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How to define a unique index in Prisma where one of the constraints is an enum value

Using Prisma's unique indexes: Is it possible to do something like the following (pseudo): model Foo { ...
benhowdle89's user avatar
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Converting PDF Pages to images using Imagick Changes the color

I am using Imagick PHP extension to convert PDF files into Images (JPG, PNG) But every time it converts the file, The color of the output images changes with brightness. I have tried many solutions ...
Hafiz Ameer Hamza's user avatar
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openxlsx numFmt with period as thousands separator

I am trying to add a new workshet to an excel file with the openxlsx R package. In Denmark we use periods as thousands separators so ideally this is how I would like the output to show in the .xlsx ...
CodingCat's user avatar
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SyntaxError when building SvelteKit: The requested module 'intl-messageformat' is a CommonJS module

I'm getting the following error when building for production. Here's the output of npm run build running on Node v16.20.1 npm run build > fpv-[email protected] build > vite build vite v4.4.9 ...
Luca's user avatar
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make 2 divs follow each other

Imagine one of the divs is mouse and the other one is cat, I want the cat to follow the mouse and if the cat reaches the mouse, they stop moving and print a message on screen. I would appreciate if ...
Anna's user avatar
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Nuxt 2.16 SSR meta data on GCP not working

I currently have: async asyncData({ store, route }) { const postMeta = await store.dispatch('modules/post/get', return { postMeta } }, head() { // const something = this.$...
Teoman Kirac's user avatar
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flutter no longer works with Sonoma

I upgraded to Sonoma and then also to flutter. The Installation was successful, but at startup Flutter doctor I don't get any messages and it freezes, pressing Ctrl +c I see this message ^C[✓] ...
Maurizio Mancini's user avatar
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Google Chrome, Edge throwing warning <link rel=preload> uses an unsupported `as` value for document

I am using <link rel=preload> to preload an iframe. e.g. <link rel="preload" href="" as="document"> But Chrome and Edge giving me warning ...
Ram marve's user avatar
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Binding Issue with SelectList in ASP.NET Core MVC

I'm facing an issue with binding a SelectList in my ASP.NET Core MVC application. I have a form where I need to populate a dropdown list with order IDs, but I'm encountering a RuntimeBinderException ...
Blessing's user avatar
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this assembly code doesnt give me the needed result can someone help me

This code is written in x86 assembly language and appears to find the maximum sum of even digits in an array of words. It defines two procedures: "addev" for calculating the sum of even ...
P.I.S's user avatar
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Okta Authentication To Know User Logged In The Website First Time

I'm using Okta Authentication in our angular 14 application, This is a SPA. How can I know that The currently authenticated user logged in to the application the first time so that we can fetch the ...
D S's user avatar
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Download files from url using Python requests

I have a generated url that will need to open up the browser to download the file from the server. I am trying to simulate this download using Python requests library import requests url = r'https://...
ReverseEngineer's user avatar
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b-pagination in Vue in Laravel doesn't look good in whole project

my b-pagination was working good on all tables, but one day it just started to look wrong on every table in my whole project, I don't know where is root of style of pagination and what could I change. ...
milica98's user avatar
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What rules are used to define the i j k axes of an icosahedron face?

Hi,I'm reading source code of H3 (v4.1.0) and in the file "faceijk.c" I find these codes on lines 86~130; According to the comments, the variable "faceAxesAzRadsCII" is used to ...
Quenton's user avatar
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error displaying datalabels on my angular ChartJs pie chart

i'm creating a pie chart using ChartJs in my in agular app and i'm having problems displaying a label on the pie chart i I've installed the 3rd part libary npm i chart.js-plugin-labels-dv and i've ...
Tosin Ayoola's user avatar
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How to build a Google PubSub subscription client in C#?

I'm trying to be informed about new mails in my Gmail mailbox. To do this, I have to tell Gmail to inform me. I do this with UsersResource.WatchRequest as well. After this, I have to build a PubSub ...
Tahtu's user avatar
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Is it possible to perform audio processing using AVAudioEngine on the audio being played while screen recording with ScreenCapturekit

My requirement is that, when u start recording using screencapturekit framework, I want to perform some modifications on the audio being played and then play the modified audio(say apply pitch effect)....
Babitha shetty k's user avatar
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Access ConcurrentWebSocketSessionDecorator from controller to check bufferSize

I am using websocket to transfer text file content to client, for large file getting below exception Buffer size 1052364 bytes for session exceeds the allowed limit 1048576 This is thrown from ...
V_R's user avatar
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List in table cells in quill js

I am looking for a way to make a list inside of a table cell with quill library. I've found some libraries for quill as tableui and quill-better-table, but they doesn't provide such functionality. Are ...
ZloiGoroh's user avatar
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Options to support cross-platform MacOS and Windows for existing WPF application

We have an existing WPF application, and we would like to support cross-platform (Windows and MacOS). Done some evaluation on .Net MAUI but noticed that there are controls that we use in WPF does not ...
Athena_92's user avatar
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Matplotlib fill_between one line and infinity

Is there a way to fill the figure with color between one curve and infinity ? I am looking for something like ax.fill_between( x, y, 'inf' ) I have looked at Matplotlib tutorials and found something ...
Altaris's user avatar
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us PowerShell: replace multiple string in txt

pls how do , $list = "D’APRÈS. une! tradition fabuleuse? rapportée: dans la chronique de Frédégaire la Thuringienne Basine. inspirée de l’esprit. prophétique la nuit qui.... suivit ses noces"...
Arenas's user avatar
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Spring boot 3 - springdoc-openapi-starter-webmvc-ui not working with openapi-generator-maven-plugin api generator

I'm using spring boot 3, & i'm trying to generate openapi documentation in /swagger/index.html. I found out that it's enough to add the following dependency alone : <dependency> <...
anassm's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Intellij inline creates extra object

Suppose I have void setup() { var call = new DirectTransactCall(); call.setRequestId("3fa85f64-5711-4562-b3fc-2c963f61afa6"); expected = call; } and I ask Intellij 2023.2.2 ...
caduceus's user avatar
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What are the advantages of separating classes in a programming language? [closed]

I'm exploring different approaches to organizing classes in a programming language, and I'd like to gather opinions and insights from the community. Specifically, I'm interested in the concept of ...
tajoupid86's user avatar
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randomly generate a matrix with fixed number of non zero values using python

I want to generate a random matrix (min value=0, max value=25, steps=5) with N rows and 6 columns, where the number of non-zero values (k) given as input. Example: Input: N=2 K=8 Output (result): [[ 5,...
mlri's user avatar
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Upload file to BackBlaze

I have a form with 2 file inputs and I need to choose a file and upload it to backblaze. This is the function that I created in order to upload the picture. I pass as a parameter the path that I ...
Asturies's user avatar
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Spring Boot 3 Firebase Authentication

i need to validate my jwt token in spring boot for all api calls i need it something like this FirebaseToken decodedToken = FirebaseAuth.getInstance().verifyIdToken(idToken); ...
Siva's user avatar
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output,sum and product of array is wrong

im learning c++ and i made a menu driven program where it creates ,display , finds the sum and the product of an array. when i try to display, find the sum and product of the array ,the program ...
Res3t's user avatar
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How to create a temporary table in a postgreSQL function which has columns names and amount that are generated dynamically by the function

I have created a postgreSQL function which queries data from a time series database to provide a defined result. The function has two arguments: apartment id and day. The function does the following: ...
Berni Hacker's user avatar
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how to use if(select Count(*) from table) > 0 in sql server

I am using a sql server to do some practices and I am trying to use this stored procedure to execute data and insert into table, i don't know why it doesn't insert into table and the record doesn't ...
user21834984's user avatar
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Why does my Files Object doesn't get rendered in React?

i'm relative new to React, and don't get the point why my files Object doesn't get displayed. In the collection_files there is an array with References to each file Document import React, { ...
Gian-Luca Klöckner's user avatar
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Images not showing on production after i deployed my django mvt app to heroku

My django mvt app seems to be working fine on development but not on production, everything works fine except that the images are not displaying, that is they are not been served on production ...
Ayinlade Sikiru's user avatar
-4 votes
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Replace bind(this) in jQuery file [closed]

I have a jQuery file with bind(this) and I want to replace that because I want to use jQuery 3.7.1 which no longer supports bind(). How can I do that? //create chlidrenWrapper, children var $children =...
Elines's user avatar
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Snakemake task fails on SLURM without error - how to debug?

I try to run multiple tasks via SLURM using snakemake --slurm -j 200. Some of the SLURM jobs fail but I cannot find any error message. snakemake prints the following: ... [Thu Sep 28 10:25:04 2023] ...
lumbric's user avatar
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xk6-sql extension: db connection cannot be passed from setup() stage

I had a test case where there were 2 scenarios to insert data to MySQL tables via xk6-sql extension. Here is the structure of my code. main.js import sql from "k6/x/sql"; export { runtest1 } ...
Zhang's user avatar
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Why is AVSpeechSynthesizer reproducing more information that my text?

I'm using AVSpeechSynthesizer for texts, here's relevant code.- guard let nonNilText = text else { return } let utterance = AVSpeechUtterance(string: nonNilText) utterance.voice = ...
ssantos's user avatar
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IIS PHP connect to MSSQL using Windows Authentication and end-user identity

We are on-premises, windows server running PHP behind IIS and a MS SQL Server Cluster on some other server. Is there a way to authenticate the SQL requests from our PHP application with the end-users ...
Mario's user avatar
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Variable get value only after the second run of the macro

My problem is that variable1 does not get the "1" value. I have already checked several times that the investigated cells contain the "1111' value. If I run the macro 2nd time, the ...
FoFE's user avatar
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using case_when to mutate a vector with multiple conditions in R (dplyr)

I have the following dataframe in R data <- structure(list(x = 1:6), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame" ), row.names = c(NA, -6L)) I'm trying to mutate a new ...
Tanga94's user avatar
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Pandas read_csv with seperators in header names

i've got a text file similar to this: @ some comment @ some comment @ [...] @ some comment * NAME S BX BY bla foo bar foo "ACF" 1 2 3 "BGB" 4 5 6 "CSD" 7 8 ...
Marvin Noll's user avatar

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