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By Wayne Chopus, President and CEO

“The Insured Retirement Institute (IRI) offers our best wishes and congratulations to a champion of retirement security, Congressman Ron Kind (D-Wisc.), who announced his intention to retire from Congress when the current session ends in January 2023.

Congressman Kind was instrumental in achieving the overwhelming, bipartisan support that led to the enactment of the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act. In many ways, this was a culmination of his years of advocacy and hard work to improve retirement security for America’s workers and retirees. IRI recognized this early and consistent commitment by honoring Congressman Kind with our Champions of Retirement Security Award in 2018.

This year, Congressman Kind helped advance another important measure when the House Ways and Means Committee voted unanimously to pass the Securing a Stronger Retirement Act of 2021. This legislation builds upon the success of the SECURE Act and
will help lessen the retirement anxiety felt by millions of people across the nation.

We are grateful for Congressman Kind’s shared commitment to help workers, retirees, and their families build economic equity, strengthen financial security, and protect retirement savings and retirement income in ways that can sustain them throughout their well-earned golden years. We wish Congressman Kind well as he moves on to his next chapter at the conclusion of the 117th Congress.”

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Contact: Dan Zielinski

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