Laura Dunn is the Assistant Director of Marketing and Communications at the Insured Retirement Institute. She is responsible for IRI’s marketing strategy, website management, and educational programming. Among her varied duties are developing, writing, reviewing, and disseminating all marketing campaigns to promote membership, events, sponsorships, and new business initiatives.

Before joining IRI in 2019, Laura served as Manager, Public Affairs for the U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association. She created advocacy communication materials to advance public policy goals, such as content for the association’s website, social media, collateral materials, and other communications.

She also guided the planning and successful execution of an organizational rebranding, including a name/logo change, website redesign, and overhaul of messaging used in internal and external communications. Laura also designed media communications, content, and collateral materials and directed website/social media optimization for a national consumer tire care and maintenance education program.

Laura graduated from Elmira College with a Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education and a master’s degree in education. She lives in Arlington, Virginia, with her husband and two daughters.